As a Trainer, the #1 question I get after a 3-day holiday weekend is “how do I get rid of this bloating gut?!”

You’re in luck!! Today I’m going to share 3 of my best tips that can help you to lose anywhere from 5-10 pounds of bloat and water weight in the next week.

And those are not FAKE numbers! I honestly helped one client lose 15 pounds in a week by following these 3 powerful tips. Let’s jump right in….

Bloat Bomb #1) Hyper Hydrate with Sea Salt

You often hear that salt makes you RETAIN water. Well, that’s true and if you went out to eat over the weekend or ate a high amount of food from a box, can or bag, then you probably consumed alot of sodium and table salt.

To reverse it, you need to consume himalayan sea salt which actually FLUSHES water from your system. Also, you need to drink 100 ounces of water or more for the next 7 days to drop water weight. I like to combine the two.

Here’s my all-natural detox lemonade recipe….

  • 32 ounces of water
  • 1 squeezed lemon
  • 1 teaspoon of himalayan sea salt
  • 1 tablespoon of stevia

Shake it up in a stainless steel water bottle and enjoy!

Bloat Bomb #2) Reduce Sodium Intake

This goes hand-in-hand with my first tip. When you are “partying it up” and eating snacks out of a bag, box or packaging then it’s probably loaded with sodium. Now it’s time to balance out your body by really watching your sodium intake for the next week. Aim to have less than 1,500 mg per day.

If you look on most pre-packaged food, you will be surprised that some foods have a DAY’S WORTH of sodium in one serving. Foods like canned chili, beans and soup are the biggest culprits. And if you made a dish with canned foods over the weekend than you know it added to the bloat.

Bloat Bomb #3) Sweat It Out

Last but not least is my final tip for reducing bloat and that’s to GET MOVING! You can expedite the process of losing the bloat by exercising for 20-30 minutes three times this week. It does not need to be everyday. Three workouts (since this week is short) is plenty! High intensity workouts are the best for getting rid of bloat because you burn a large amount of calories, increase your metabolism and work your entire body.

To be clear, sweat does not mean it’s an intense workout. You can walk with sauna suit and get your body to sweat and see very little fat-loss results. It’s not about what’s happening on the OUTSIDE of your body, it’s what’s happening on the INSIDE that determines if you’re burning fat.

That’s my 3 best tips for you to lose bloat!

If you would like to work with a Coach to get fast results, then you should book a 10 Minute Fitness Game Plan. The main reason you want to work with a Coach is that you’re working with a professional that is certified in exercise form and designing a fitness program that gets results.

Schedule a free 10 minute call so I can complete a full assessment and see if my 1-1 coaching program is right for you.

Talk soon!
– Coach Dustin